Full Castoreum Beaver Glands

SKU: SIMPLE-8700455682356

    Product details

    Made possible by exploring innovative molded plywood techniques, Iskos-Berlin’s Soft Edge Chair blends strong curves with extreme lightness to create a three-dimensionality not usually possible with 2-D plywood.


    Full Castoreum Beaver Glands

    Fully dried authentic premium quality beaver castoreum.
    Full glands
    10% moisture
    100-120 grams/pair

    $90/100-120 grams

    Castoreum is used in perfume-making. It is used to describe the solution from the alcohol-tinted and dried beaver castor. Dried beaver castor sacs are aged for two or more years. They are aged to soften.

    Castoreum is a pungent, brownish, oily substance secreted by glands in the groin of the beaver, used in medicine and perfumery.

    People take castoreum for anxiety, restless sleep, and as a calming agent. Women take it to start their menstrual periods or treat painful periods. In foods and beverages, castoreum extract is used as a flavoring agent. In manufacturing, castoreum tincture is used as a fragrance or fixative in cosmetics and soaps.

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